Saturday 29 April 2023

P.S. I Love You (2007 Richard LaGravenese & co-scr)

Yes, he and Steven Rogers adapted Cecilia Ahern's novel. Hilary Swank and Gerard Butler argue, then he dies. The End. Or is it? No. The Not End.

There you go - that was easy. Swank & Butler sounds like a high end fashion store or furniture designer or something.

I should explain - I watched Babylon yesterday, and it's blown my mind.

So, um. Let's start with the film clips. The two Bette Davis movies I didn't get were Dangerous and Jezebel; Now Voyager and A Star Is Born were more familiar.

We're on the Lower East Side, that much I can tell you. It's below the Village - between Soho and Chinatown. An apartment round there now would cost between $2 and $20 million.

Anything about the film? Yes. Harry Connick Jr is in it, as are Lisa Kudrow, Gina Gershon, James Marsters, Kathy Bates and Jeffrey Dean Morgan. I did not spot Steve Zahn in gay club scene (because he isn't in it) but weirdly someone called Sarah Zahn is in the karaoke scene.

The strong Irish flavour of the film is welcome, as is the visit to Ireland. It's an enjoyable film with an ending straight out of How To Murder Your Wife.

Edited by David Moritz, photographed by Terry Stacey.

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