Sunday 26 May 2013

Django Unchained (2012 Quentin Tarantino & scr)

Always a major event; no disappointment. Loved Q's remark that the gore reminded her of La Tomatina tomato festival in Italy!

Loved character of the urbane bounty hunter, whose horse bows on introduction, played to perfection by Christoph Waltz, acting his way into his second Oscar for Quentin (the screenplay won also). Jaimie Foxx, Leonardo di Caprio, Samuel L Jackson ('where did he find this great old character actor', I mused for at least 10 minutes) are all perfect. Also with: Kerry Washington, 'with the friendly participation of [the original Django] Franco Nero', Don Johnson, Bruce Dern, Don Stroud, Jonah Hill and Quentin himself with an odd Australian accent.

Shot by Robert Richardson with some lovely images e.g. Waltz in firelight, flashback stuff. Typically eclectic soundtrack choice. Fred Raskin has replaced the sadly-missed Sally Menke (he was assistant on Kill Bill).

Not as talky as some of his films; though loved the exchange between the Klan members. And quips like when Mrs Django faints "You silver-tongued devil".

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