Wednesday 5 February 2014

Breaking Bad Season 5 (2012-13)

Walt (and Skyler) has become a monster and as the bodies pile up we're left with precious few to root for. Echoes Treasure of the Sierra Madre and ends up as a spaghetti western.

Has one of their unforgettable beginnings ( a boy riding his motorbike through the sand dunes) and we think "What's that all about?" Then there's a perfectly executed train heist....

It's been a gripping journey and ends in the only way it could have that was somewhat pleasing but it was not, I think, the greatest thing ever (its user rating on IMDB is a ridiculous 9.6/10). Also I don't think the money scheme would have worked (Walt Jr and Skyler would have known where it came from and refused it; the charity would have no way of explaining the sudden appearance of $10m; the DEA would have pounced).

Well acted though, and frequently brilliant in its storylines, it's been a pleasure watching an intelligent man thinking his way out of situations. It appears that Vince Gilligan did not have the whole story figured out from the start. He reportedly was surprised that no matter how bad Walt became, the diehard fans remained loyal to him. Personally I found that left a big vacuum and all we were left with was the Poor Jesse Show.

Robert Forster appears in latter episodes.

Shots from Dave Bunting's series of cinematography highlight videos:

Like a complete idiot, I'd totally missed the reference to the real Heisenberg, referenced elsewhere in these jottings, an eminent physicist who amongst other things came up with the uncertainty principle.

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