Sunday 26 October 2014

How to Murder Your Wife (1964 released 1965 Richard Quine)

Is this the most sexist of all our beloved favourites? Probably, but features Lemmon in prime, brusque form, Terry-Thomas as Jeeves-type butler (well, not really - he's more subservient than Jeeves) and the knockout Virna Lisi as non-English speaking Italian who emerges from a cake (Harry Stradling softly focusing the green of her eyes) into Lemmon's arms.

Neal Hefti's music is absolutely inspired (and crazy) particularly in wheezy organ theme that underscores his 'Brash Brannigan' adventures for comic strip, but also in scenes where Lemmon and Lisi suggestively melt into soft focus. Edie Mayehoff perhaps a bit OTT as his umpish friend / solicitor, Claire Trevor is the wife.

"I'm as sober as a judge - that's where the expression comes from" says a judge who is absolutely pissed.

Another great fun film from Quine with his usual quirky sound effects:

"Brrrrip" up the wall, then "Blaaap" down again.
"Glopetta glopetta machine" etc.
 ...American films could be kind of crazy before they even got into acid.

Final courtroom scene does drag it down a little but the finale with Terry-Thomas is film's finest moment.

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