Saturday 29 December 2018

Rear Window (1954 Alfred Hitchcock)

Why is Rear Window so good - the best AH?

It's perhaps his most ambitious film, choosing not just to film entirely in one location (and 98% shot from the viewpoint of the protagonist) but also to eschew a musical score - though in fact there's tons of naturally occurring music throughout.

It's so layered - the story is really much more about the relationship between Stewart and Kelly and between other people that it actually is more important than the thriller aspect - and as I've said before, it's one of Hitch's least gruesome films - we don't even see the murder.

This screen shot shows how skilfully the stories are interwoven - we are following Miss Loneyhearts' rendezvous (in background) as Thorwald walks back into the plot:

The sound design is wonderfully clever.

Have been trying to find out what the art is in Stewart's flat - thinking maybe one of the Master's. Couldn't.

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