Saturday 8 June 2019

The West Wing - Season 2 (2001 Aaron Sorkin)

Picks up immediately after right wing shooting (Charlie was the target), and whilst doing that shows flashbacks to the group getting together in the first place and making early progress. Flashback includes sweet scene when Josh's dad has died and Bartlet comes to the airport to support him, revealing himself to be both compassionate and Presidential.

Absolutely great scene in which President rips apart a self-styled radio psychotherapist who thinks being gay is prohibited by Christianity by raising all the Old Testament law that we now wouldn't dream of following. Also his expertise on strange subjects like Micronesia, causing laughs, as does Gilbert and Sullivan episode ending involving new Republican staffer Ainsley (Emily Procter).

We must learn something. The midterms are held about halfway through the four year presidency. All 435 seats of the House of Representatives (Congressman) and about a third of those in the Senate are up for election. There are two senators for each of the 50 states. A 'lame duck session' (or as I like to refer to it, a 'quail's quorum') is a meeting of the senate after a new successor has been appointed but before their term begins - I've copied that off Wikipedia and still don't know what it means. Do we need to know? A caucus is simply a meeting of representatives from one party.

"You're the last person I expected to see when they told me where to go." The pacing and dialogue is often very 1930s to me, and all the better for it. But there's almost always a misty eye moment when someone does something lovely.

Great episode involving Josh's past trauma being dealt with by counsellor Adam Arkin, with artful flashbacks, story by Peter Parnell and directed by Thomas Schlamme. Lovely long form writing culminates in the exposure of the President's MS (guest star Oliver Platt) and the sad death of Mrs. Landingham, cuing flashbacks which explains her particularly close relationship with him (Schlamme again).

Mrs L and Charlie debate car purchasing
Series photographer is Thomas Del Ruth (also Studio 60, Stand By Me), son of director Roy (Lady Killer).

"Let's just give the $60 billion to North Korea on the understanding they won't bomb us."

Donna: "There's a heavy object falling at us with terminal velocity."
Abbey (Mrs. - sorry, Doctor - Bartlett): "Tell me about it."

But also Toby: "You want the benefits of free trade? Food is cheap. Clothes are cheap. Cars are cheaper. The phone service is cheaper. Do you feel me building a rhythm here? That's 'cos I'm a speech writer. I know how to make a point. The lowest prices raises income. Did you see what I did with lowest and raises there? It's called the science of listener attention. We did repetition, we did floating opposites, and now you end with the one that's not like the others. Ready? Free trade stops wars. And that's it. (louder) Free trade stops wars! Figure out a way to fix the rest. One world, one peace - I'm sure I've seen that on a sign somewhere."

And, cartography is political:

Why not? Any way round is arguably correct
It's a long, long way from Vice... Or Trump. I'm aware of the irony - the idealists' view of government, a total fantasy.

How the hell are they going to deal with 9/11?

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