Sunday, 15 September 2024

The Player (1992 Robert Altman)

A very clever film, written by Michael Tolkin and based on his own book. The pot shots at Hollywood, right from the opening eight minute single take onwards, are priceless.

Tim Robbins, Greta Scacchi, Fred Ward, Peter Gallagher, Whoopi Goldberg, Brion James, Dean Stockwell, Richard E Grant, Sydney Pollack, Lyle Lovett, Jeremy Piven and lots of guest stars, including Jack Lemmon at piano and Harry Belafonte.

Excellent photography from Jean Lépine, who may have also been operating and focus pulling, as neither of these roles are credited. Good ambient score from Tom Newman. Oscar nominated editing by Geraldine Peroni, who also cut Short Cuts and other films for Altman. The apprentice editor is Dylan Tichenor, whose work we just glimpsed in The Town and is known for PTA films.

Look - Hitch gets a cameo and it's not even his film!

One of the movies referred to - Lonely Room - isn't real.

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