Monday, 23 December 2024

Coco (2017 Lee Unkrich, Adrian Molina)

Story by Unkrich, Jason Katz, Adrian Molina and Matthew Aldrich, the latter two credited for the screenplay. Good story. Because of family history a boy is banned from music, even though he knows it's in his blood; goes to the Land of the Dead to find legendary great grandfather performer. The tradition of keeping your ancestors alive by displaying their photos on the Dia de los Muertos is interestingly explored. There are jokes for adults e.g. the way in to the Land of the Dead is like the US-Mexico border crossing.

The Pixar magic is ever present, as always there's two DPs, one for the lighting alone.

It is not true that Keith Richard was an inspiration for the character on the left

The great grandmother is an amazing creation.

The boy is Anthony Gonzalez and Gael Garcia Bernal is also in the cast.

Great song 'Remember Me' won Oscar.

The Day of the Dead is also celebrated in Italy and Sicily ('Festa dei Morti'), where Andrea Camilleri once wrote that in 1943, the advent of the Americans and the Christmas tree began to erode the tradition.

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