Friday 23 September 2022

Crossfire (2022 Tessa Hoffe, Writer Louise Doughty)

Spain (we assume - though I've just ruled out most of South America). Terrorists (we assume) start killing everyone in a remote seaside hotel. It turns out they're not terrorists but crazed disgruntled former employees, which - I mean, is that..?

I guess - ultimately - it's about female solidarity. The husbands don't manage to do anything useful; the women are brave and forgive one another for past flirtations. Though it's ironic that Keeley gets the medal when in three key moments she fails to just fire the gun, which is annoying.

It's crazy, people are being killed, but I was thinking 'I hope these swimming costumed people don't start getting cold'. Which perhaps points to the fact that it wasn't as riveting as it might have been.

Keeley Hawes and Lee Ingleby, plus grown up daughter Alba Brunet, Josette Simon and Daniel Ryan, Rikash Bhai and Anneika Rose. Hugo Silva is the heroic hotel manager. I Googled 'who plays the killers' and just got Brandon Flowers (Killers' vocalist) debut single 'Crossfire'.

Filmed in Tunisia. 3 parter for BBC.

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