Saturday 6 July 2019

Satan's Triangle (1975 Sutton Roley)

TV movie has its fans - don't be lulled by their slithy inducements, though it is enjoyably bad.

Coastguard Doug McClure finds Kim Novak the lone survivor of a wrecked yacht in the Bermuda Triangle - actually its opening is one of the better things about it, and you have to admire the single shot in which we see the rescue platform being lowered by helicopter and landing on the yacht (from then on, as though cricked by that manoeuvre, the camera is almost always pointing up).

It's rather painful to see Ms Novak adrift in this nonsense (Q says it's her worst film).

I couldn't quite work out - if so much of it is filmed on a set why there's so much water on the lens for prolonged periods.

Tricked out with silly negative flashes representing spooky lightning and footage from other films (was one of the skies from Portrait of Jennie?)

McClure was perhaps best known for the TV series The Virginian - I remember him from The Land That Time Forgot from the same year. Alejandro Rey has a certain intensity as the priest; Ed Lauter was familiar from such things as Family Plot, The Mean Machine and Bad Company.

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