Sunday 17 November 2019

The Christmas Train (2017 Ron Oliver)

I like train films, normally. Not this one, a Hallmark production with a sleigh bell around every corner, and a high cheeseometer rating. So bad it's a lot of fun. I sort of regret deleting it already.

Early on, writer Dermot Mulroney says 'I hope there's a story here' to which Q commented 'Well if there isn't we're all in trouble' and that set the scene for the whole thing. (There's a sort of story but it's so unbelievable that I won't trouble any of us with it).

Kimberly Williams-Paisley, Danny Glover, Joan Cusack are involved. The dialogue and pictorials are definitely straight out of Hallmark Cards' back catalogue. And I've never seen such an un-trainy train film. There's barely an exterior shot, and when there is, it's of a model train in the snow. I seriously wanted the film to end with all of the travellers frozen to death, over which plays the song 'Have yourself a merry little Christmas'.

If eggnog can be used as an abusive term it should be applied to this film. But that's what you get watching Channel 5 on a Sunday afternoon in November.

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