Thursday 26 August 2021

Broken (2012 Rufus Norris)

Mark O'Rowe - who also wrote Intermission, Perrier's Bounty (both with Cillian) and Boy A and created Temple - adapted Daniel Clay's novel. Eloise Laurence was the daughter of someone Rufus worked with, who 'thought it might be fun'.

Is that Baby Skunk, right at the beginning, or is it Skunk's baby? We'll never know - well, that's not true. We could ask both the director and the editor, but it actually doesn't really matter. This is a wonderful jewel of a film which really moves, like a panther. So, it's a jewelled panther.

In the interminable extras ('What's Skunk's relationship with bananas?') there isn't of course one mention of the editor (nor, to be fair, anyone much behind the camera). Vic B. managed to bring something breathtaking to the film, which I'm not even sure the cast would have been expecting. It's her own favourite of her films.

Tim Roth is wonderful as her dad, Rory Kinnear both truly frightening and tender. With Robert Emms, Faye Daveney, Cillian Murphy, Bill Milner, Clare Burt and Denis Lawson, Martha Bryant (the little Sunrise bitch), Rosie Kosky-Hensman, Zana Marjanovic. Norris - an actor's director - was reportedly great with the cast, but had a truly cinematic approach too.

DP Rob Hardy, music Damon Albarn's Electric Wave Bureau.

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