Tuesday 19 May 2020

They Won't believe Me (1947 Irving Pichel)

Not bad twisty plot - Jonathan Latimer, story Gordon McDonell - has entirely compromised (and predictable) ending, and suffers from a lack of sympathetic characters.

Film opens with Robert Young and Jane Greer (Out of the Past) having innocent liaisons leaning towards affair - he agrees to run away with her to Montreal. But his wife Rita Johnson has other ideas and they ship off to LA, where Young starts another dalliance with good-time secretary Susan Hayward. The wife finds out again and they move to some solitary ranch, without a phone.

At this point, we sort of like Greer, though she's not been in it much, and don't like anyone else. When the plot starts kicking in, it's fun, but we can't overcome this problem. Young is in fact totally unlikable, and it's a mystery why his wife will stay with him.

A Shostakovich piano recital sounds like a divisive evening.

Photographed by Harry Wild and scored by Roy Webb for RKO.

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