Sunday 9 August 2020

The Sopranos - Season 5 (2004 David Chase)

Some former associates have been released from prison - the foul and violent Feesh (Robert Loggia, a far cry from his nice toy company owner in Big), and the seemingly reformed cousin Tony (Steve Buscemi). who begins irritating Tony almost instantly. Plus the original 'Jersey Boy' Frankie Valli, and Frank Vincent (Goodfellas, Casino, Raging Bull). A certain mention to Sharon Angela as 'Roe'. And there's David Strathairn as Carm's lover-for-a-second.

Terence Winter wrote 'In Camelot' in which Tony meets his father's mistress for years, played by Polly Bergen. Tony gets extremely upset to learn that his dad gave away his dog - again, animals. That episode seems to have neat juxtapositions, like the ending, Tony over-elaborating her Kennedy story (why does he feel he needs to?), told by his father's mistress, over to the Bada Bing dancers. And there's a shot of someone's head being kicked in followed directly by a corpse in a coffin.

Loved the complete left turn of Cousin Tony's Korean boss suddenly admiring his studies and offering to go into business with him. (It doesn't go too well.) Matthew Weiner wrote this one, 'Sentimental Education'.

The specific reference to Citizen Kane's empty mansion, and leaving Carmela in one.

Christopher lays into Adriana again - why does she go back to him??? (And later again.)

Notice that the bear only turns up at the house when Tony isn't there = the bear is Tony.

That episode five aria is indeed Puccini, from 'La Rondine', 'Chi il bel sogno di Doretta'.

'The Test Dream', written by Chase and Weiner, features one of those fabulous extended dream scenes as though directed by Buñuel. I swear though Melfi is Gloria, at one point Lorraine Bracco's voice is dubbed over her. Features Annette Bening. 'Depression is rage turned inward."

I think I got brajole (rolled and stuffed meat) for penis. And strunz, from stronzo = turd, asshole.

Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess frequently write together - they're credited on the last episode, where Johnny Sack appears to be neutralised by the FBI. Winter wrote the death of Adriana in 'Long Term Parking'. (If she'd just told Christopher when she was originally busted, none of this would have happened.)

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