Sunday 27 September 2020

I'm Thinking of Ending Things (2020 Charlie Kaufman & scr)

And so will you be after watching this interminable riddle - a sort of mix of Marienbad, 2001, The Red Shoes and an experimental play.

The credits are so small it's like they don't want you to read them. Not a good start.

Q said it was like it had been on for three days.

And yet... There were two moments in the first twenty minutes that stopped me from suggesting we end it all. One was a travelling shot straight up into the sky, through the snow and telephone cables. The other was one of Jessie Buckley through the car window - something about the patterns and light crossing her were absolutely beautiful. I thought I might be watching Robbie Ryan, but it turned out to be Lukasz Zal, from Pawlikowsi films, in 4x3.

And the cast - Jessie and the other Jesse, Plemons, and Toni Collette and David Thewlis - all very good. But what it's all about is fathomless. The film should come with its own scalpel so that on the endless drive back scene you can cut your own wrists. I loved Eternal Sunshine but this...

It's based on a novel by Iain Read, should anyone be interested.

Ralph Albert Blakelock though is a real American painter.

Jessie Buckley is in the fourth season of Fargo which premieres in the US on 27 September.

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