Friday 17 February 2023

Number Seventeen (1932 Alfred Hitchcock)

Leon M. Lion (the tramp with the sausage), Anne Grey, John Stuart (detective), Donald Calthrop, Barry Jones, Ann Casson (the neighbour), Henry Caine, and Garry Marsh all find themselves in the titular property, where there's been a murder (or has there?) and lots of very rum goings on involving a stolen diamond necklace and a train that goes abroad. Bizarre, almost trippy proceedings, shot very expressionistically, and played for laughs, ends in an exciting chase between a bus and a speeding train (cueing North by Northwest and Torn Curtain, amongst others).

Written by Alma, Hitch and Rodney Ackland from Joseph Jefferson Farjeon's play. Contains a very funny fight scene and various scares and double twists. Photographed by Jack Cox and Bryan Langley.

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