Friday, 28 February 2025

Heretic (2024 Scott Beck & Bryan Woods & scr)

Weirdly enough I was only thinking earlier in the day that I was sure the Abraham story features in both the Islamic and Christian religions and probably also the Jewish, and therefore all these three religions came from the same place and thus are essentially the same. And that's one of the thought provoking ideas that come about when nutter Hugh Grant tries to freak out young religious women Sophie Thatcher and Chloe East in this frankly ridiculous three-hander set in a creepy house on a rainy night.

The acting's fine, though the cinematography (Chung-hoon Chung) is rather grubby. I daresay we'll be seeing more of the two young women.

I doubt it would have been financed without Grant's involvement - either he or his agent have a screw loose. Whether or not I was supposed, to, I found it quite funny.

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