Tuesday 4 October 2022

Inside Man (2022 Steven Moffat)

First impressions: has Steve Moffat gone mad? After a promising beginning on an Underground, with Lydia West and Dolly Wells, there's a bizarre turn of events when vicar David Tennant imprisons teacher Wells in his cellar because he believes she thinks the child porn she's found belongs to his son - it doesn't, it belongs to a troubled verger. And his wife seems OK with that. Now I know it's (looks like) a black comedy, but that surely stretches credibility to the point of no return.

Then, aforementioned West, who can't stand up for herself with a Tube pest, finds herself on Death Row in America (all of a sudden - perhaps she took a Tardis there?) interviewing wife killer Stanley Tucci, who's offering free criminology advice to atone for his crime, aided by a multiple woman killer (Atkins Estimond, who's fun).

At one point I expected something really trippy to happen, like it was a dream, or someone was relating this to a psychiatrist, or we were watching a I'm Thinking of Ending Things

One thing I did read of interest is that Wells is the daughter of comedian John Wells, but didn't know it until she was 18. I've liked her since the Gatiss-Moffat Dracula update.

It became even more crazy, if such a thing is possible, e.g. Tennant decides to take the rap for the porn (when there's no way his son would have been connected with it), and the son (Louis Oliver)  finds Dolly handcuffed in the cellar and doesn't help or call the police. This is the most stupid and far-fetched and plainly ridiculous thing I think I have ever seen on prime time BBC.

The one scene I really liked was when the wife Lyndsey Marshal goes to Dolly's flat and finds a suspicious Lydia there (liked her since It's a Sin). And I liked the stuff with the convicts on death row, with warden Dylan Baker. But that's like finding a [fill in your own simile].*

* Ed. I find that a bit lazy. How about 'Like finding a mobile phone charger on a desert island'?

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