Monday 10 October 2022

살인의 추억 / Memories of Murder (2003 Bong Joon-Ho & co-scr)

A film which Quentin Tarantino thoroughly recommended ages ago - before Parasite. And you can see why - it's blackly funny, well acted and directed, and has a kind of tragic thriller theme similar to his own Blow Out.*

It's the 1980s and detective Song Kang-ho (also in Parasite) is trying to solve a sex murder; when another turns up, he's joined by Seoul city boy Kim Sang-Kyung, whose methods are a little more organised. But what the film doesn't do in the Hollywood style is start them at odds, then they become the best of friends - it never happens.

Joon-Ho likes his long takes and elaborate tracking shots and cranes. It's got a bit of an epic sweep, with a coda taking place in 2003, where ironically Kang-ho is no longer a cop but works in sales.

Little good touches, like the cops and the first suspect watching a TV cop show together, or using a spiritualist to try to find the murderer. I was very impressed. This was his second film after Barking Dogs Never Bite which Film 4 are also screening. (Both films were difficult to get but clearly the success of Parasite has prompted reissue.)

Good cast includes Roe-Ha Kim (violent detective), Byun Hee Bong (their boss), Seo-hie Ko (female officer who spots radio connection), No-Shik Park (first suspect), Park Hae-il (final suspect), Jeon Mi-seon (detective's GF).

Written with Sung-bo Shim from Kwang-rim Kim's play. Hyung-Ku Kim's photography is in a weird desaturated ochre hue. Edited by Sun-min Kim and music from Taro Iwashiro.

* 'His own Blow Out?' You mean the Brian de Palma film? Let's get our facts straight - Blow Out is a favourite of Tarantino.

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