Sunday 3 March 2019

Endeavour - Series 6 (Creator Russell Lewis, 2018, released 2019)

Pylon. 1969. That fact that everything has changed is underlined by the opening beautiful recreation of a Pelican Crossing ad, featuring Ch. Insp. Bright. Moustached Morse is back in uniform, Thursday demoted and Strange a 'pen pusher'. Then their separate lives insect when a little girl is found dead, and another goes missing...

Apollo. Directed by Shaun. Morse's new 'colleagues' (Simon Harrison and Richard Riddell) are being shits (Morse is relegated to 'exhibits officer'), Thursday's wife's barely speaking to him, Joan's in a huff, Strange is obsessed with Fancy's killers, Bright's in traffic (how did that happen?).. There's a wonderful sense of melancholy hanging over proceedings. Weirdly today we're in Apollo 11 territory again (coupled with a wonderful Thunderbirds type recreation), with lots of fabric designs and strange table lamps very much of the time (1969). Shaun gets good performances out of the kids, especially Sasha Willoughby. (Sophie Winkleman is her mum.)

May have a moon landing theme, but also involves car keys in the bowl... Matthew Cottle is the annoyingly difficult to place actor (Game On was that nineties TV series with Neil Stuke.)

It's the best thing on television.

I think that was the third time we'd seen that distinctive blue and white sportscar (once also in the rich guy who lived next door amongst his collection).

Confection (Leanne Welham). Unexpected insights into private lives - Win's gone off dancing, Mrs. Bright's got cancer, Jim Strange doesn't have a love life at all... and Morse picks the wrong woman, again. (And not for the last time.)

This is all to do with a small village, a red and green chocolate factory and Happy Families (ironically). And has Thursday gone onto the 'payroll'...?

"County couldn't find their arse with both hands and a map."

"It's a bloodbath, not a Côte du Rhone."

Russell Lewis was a child actor - he was in The Kids From 47A!

Degüello (Jaimie Donoughue). Echoes of Grenfell Tower in story which (partly) involves building corruption and partial collapse of tower block. Otherwise it's about a murder at the Bodleian, stamps and wartime alliances, and the culmination of the police corruption story that's been festering.

It's been quite a grim series, none of your Thursday sandwiches banter sort of thing. We've grown to quite like Shaun's moustache.

The City Boys are back - we're clearly in Western territory here:

Degüello = beheading; no quarter (Spanish).

That sure sounds like Roger doing the voiceover for the film at the beginning.

1 comment:

  1. it's more reminiscent of the Ronan Point disaster as Grenfell burned and didn't collapse.
