Sunday 5 May 2024

A Muddled Morning

 Yes - I wasn't quite sure what I was doing, trawling through the hard drive.

Funny Pages (2022 Owen Kline) was about a young man who wants to drop out and become a Robert Crumb-type cartoonist, but the way he stuffed his face full of food and talked with his mouth full was so disgusting I had to turn it off. River (2023 Junta Yamaguchi) seemed more my thing, a Japanese time loop comedy, but it seemed a bit silly, so I thought I'd try a drama with Tom Burke and Rita Wilson, True Things (2021 Harry Wootliff) but it didn't sound very palatable (and actually I see doesn't have the greatest ratings, either). Daphne (2007 Clare Beavan), with the great Geraldine Somerville as du Maurier falling for Elizabeth McGovern would surely win me over, but it seemed dull, so I picked a psychological drama from 1972, A Reflection of Fear (William A Fraker), with Sondra Locke, Robert Shaw and Mary Ure, but despite photography from the great Laszlo Kovacs it just looked like it was going to be one of those silly twisted nuts-girl type of things.

Also tried Terence Davies' Siegfried Sassoon film Benediction, but it wasn't the right time.. and it may never be.

Ended up watching some more of a documentary about Peter Ustinov!

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