Sunday 5 May 2024

What If? (2013 Michael Dowse)

A Rom, with one funny bit - Daniel Radcliffe accidentally knocking Rafe Spall out of his window. Radcliffe has met Zoe Kazan and they get on great, but she's already in a relationship, so they become friends instead. Adam Driver and his girlfriend Megan Park don't help matters by stranding them at night on the beach with no clothes - yes, some of the film is beyond words, and the scatological discussions are most unwelcome. Elan Mastai adapted a Canadian play by T.J.Dawe and Michael Rinaldi 'Toothpaste and Cigars'. It was released in Canada as The F Word but that title was unacceptable in Obama's America.

Radcliffe and Kazan are an appealing couple. The bits of animation add a note of something, but the credits - showing their subsequent life in animated form - is too much.

That track which sounds more interesting than it actually is is 'Just Walking to the Dress Shop' by AC Newman.

Thought this guy's beard looked weird!

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