Friday 17 May 2024

The Gazebo (1959 George Marshall)

Glenn Ford is being blackmailed. Instead of telling his wife, Debbie Reynolds - and frankly, the blackmailing concerns her, so he should have done... what the fuck am I talking about? He should have told his wife regardless - he hatches a plan to kill and bury the blackmailer, which is where the titular construction comes in. Carl Reiner plays it straight as the annoying friend / detective, and John McGiver's presence is welcome, as the builder, though he's not given much to do. Oh yes, there's a trained pigeon, Herman, who very slightly figures in the action, and a Martin Landau. And Doro Merande as a shouty maid.

A whimsical black comedy, based on a play by Alec Coppel (who had worked on Vertigo). Not sure Ford's right for the role, somehow, which perhaps needs a Ray Walston or Tom Ewell instead.

We saw a slightly cropped version of Paul Vogel's original CinemaScope print, but it's a rareish film so that's OK. MGM.

File under 'slight nonsense'. Perfect for post-funeral.

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