Tuesday 28 May 2024

Roxie Hart (1942 William Wellman)

Wannabe dancer is accused of murder; she thinks the ensuing publicity will be useful to her career; but she runs the risk of being found guilty and executed. Adolphe Menjou is a flamboyant solicitor who helps, George Montgomery a newspaperman who falls for her, Lynne Overman his older and more cynical colleague. It's told in flashback by older Montgomery in a bar. Based on the play 'Chicago' by Maurine Dallas Watkins, adapted by Nunnally Johnson, the play itself derived from real events. It's quite fun.

Music: Alfred Newman, photography: Leon Shamroy, editor: James B Clark, art direction: Richard Day, Wiard Ihnen. 20th Century Fox.

With Nigel Bruce, George Chandler (annoyingly familiar from something), Phil Silvers, Sara Allgood, William Frawley (juror), Spring Byington.

I would have to say though that none of her costumes looked very 1920s to my uncultured eye.

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