Friday 17 May 2024

Gilmore Girls - Season 7 (2006 Amy Sherman-Palladino)

This references the great sounding Twilight Zone episode, 'The Long Morrow' about an astronaut who falls in love just before a 40 year journey...

Lorelai has got back with Christopher - why oh why?

Danny Strong plays Paris's boyfriend and Luke's long-lost daughter April (who's just like a mini-version of Rory) is played by Vanessa Marano.

The quote was from W.C. Fields: "Here lies W.C. Fields. I would rather be living in Philadelphia."

Does feel a little less good without Amy and Dan writing, but nevertheless manages to conclude things well(ish). Warners Brothers television merged with UPN and in contract negotiations, Amy asked for more writers and 'a producer-director onstage' and they wouldn't go for it so she quit. She did nominate staff writer David Rosenthal to be the showrunner, and then the studio did exactly what she had asked for anyway - how maddening! But at least it's still recognisably the same show, with its quickfire dialogue and single take 'walk and talk' scenes.

A symbolic moment

Liz Torres, Sean Gunn, Sally Struthers, Rini Bell

The last shot is a wonderful variation on the opening.

It may be my imagination that when Q told Ella we had finished watching it all the reply was 'You can start again at the beginning now!' It somehow felt right to conclude it the evening of Margaret's funeral.

I'm intrigued there's a collection of critical studies published as 'Screwball Television: Critical Perspectives on Gilmore Girls' (2010).

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