Tuesday 24 October 2023

Blue Valentine (2010 Derek Cianfrance & co-scr)

An honest and powerful look at a relationship is not an easy watch, but will have moments of familiarity for any couple. Ryan Gosling and Oscar nominated Michelle Williams' relationship is observed over a couple of years, cross cutting from their meeting and the beginnings of their relationship to some time later, with a young daughter, and a particularly potent scene in a horrible motel, and the violent day after.  This is all perhaps why we hadn't watched it in ten years. Not sure we really need all the sex scenes either. The brief sketches of their family lives are revealing, and they both catch well the way time and their relationship has changed them.

Sweetest moment is Ryan sorting out the room the old man's being moved into.

Written by Cianfrance, Joey Curtis and Cami Delavinge.

Photographed by Andrij Parekh.

Sometimes you wonder about the life of a film after it is over. I think that she won't leave him, at least not just yet, but whether they make it long term I'd be doubtful...

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