Sunday 30 June 2024

Il Buono Il Brutto Il Cattivo / The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966 Sergio Leone)

It was originally called I Duo Magnifici Straccioni / Two Magnificent Tramps, a terrible title. Story made up by Luciano Vincenzoni and / or Leone, depending on which version you read. Though comedy writers Age Incrocci and Furio Scarpelli are credited, they contributed nothing. Sergio Donati was the ghost writer who contributed heavily in the post-production stage but received no credit.

"There's your old pal Angel Eyes." What 'old pal'? They haven't seen him before.

I'm not sure the restored scenes add anything much (it's now 172 minutes), though do explain who those people are who accompany Tuco to the hotel.

A de Chirico moment

More great framing

As to the great scene between Tuco and his brother, the priest, played by Luigi Pistilli. it's like nothing that has gone before it in the previous spaghetti westerns, a rare moment of human and family conflict, beautifully articulated. (I was thinking this is the scene in which the Italian just counts from one to ten, but that's the scene near the end with the one armed man Al Mulock and the bath. I'm still tempted to hear the film in Italian.)

With Aldo Giuffre, Rada Rassimov, Enzo Petito (storekeeper), Mario Braga.

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