Thursday 6 June 2024

The Bedroom Window (1987 Curtis Hanson)

A Swiss cheese of a screenplay. Why on earth doesn't Guttenberg identify the killer (Brad Greenquist) when he sees him in police line-up? He's the only one with pale skin, and red hair combed back. Then why does Guttenberg start following him? Why don't the police just put the suspect under surveillance? And why does he not involve the police in his final nuts plan?

Despite all this silliness the film is quite watchable. His two-timing girlfriend is Isabelle Huppert, the victim who he buddies up with Elizabeth McGovern. The detectives are Carl Lumbly and Frederick Coffin and Wallace Shawn is the prosecuting attorney.

Well directed and edited by Scott Conrad. Gil(bert) Taylor (Repulsion, Cul-de-Sac, Ice Cold in Alex, Dr Strangelove, A Hard Day's Night) is the cameraman whose widescreen images were thoughtfully cropped in our TPTV version (the operator is Peter Taylor, who worked on Gravity and very early in his career was focus puller on Frenzy and Macbeth, both of which Taylor also shot).

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