Monday 22 July 2024

Blood Work (2002 Clint Eastwood & prod)

Um. Michael Connelly wrote the novel, which is already batty in its central story, which Brian Helgeland adapted, though whose idea it was to make the serial killer the goofy dope on the boat I can't say. Overall, it beggars belief. But is enjoyable. Certain absurdities are funny: shot killer has tourniquet on arm to stop bleeding out - next minute is prancing around with a machine gun; Clint sends woman and boy off on boat, when he should have just jumped aboard himself.

Clint Eastwood, Jeff Daniels, Anjelica Huston, Wanda de Jesus, Tina Lifford (Catch and Release, TV's Parenthood), Paul Rodriguez (unpleasant detective).

Tom Stern's photography doesn't show much evidence of his work under Conrad Hall - not yet. Lennie Niehaus composed the music, Joel Cox edited, assisted by Gary Roach and Michael Cipriano (assistant editor on Clint's films from 1986 Heartbreak Ridge through to Changeling  in 2008).

I like the tone of this scene...

...but the composition here is uncomfortable.

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