Monday 8 July 2024

The Chalk Garden (1964 Ronald Neame)

Expertly acted by John and Hayley Mills, Deborah Kerr and Edith Evans (BAFTA nominated the last two, as well as Arthur Ibbetson's photography and Carmen Dillon's art direction). John Michael Hayes adapted Enid Bagnold's play - and it does seem quite play-like - helped enormously by Malcolm Arnold's score. Well edited by Jack Harris. With Elizabeth Sellars, Felix Aylmer. A Ross Hunter production for Universal.

It's Clapham House in Litlington, which according to reelstreets is now owned by one of The Chemical Brothers!

It's a Guy Arab II

Hayley was then under contract to Walt Disney, who had vetoed her involvement in Exodus, The Children's Hour and (unsurprisingly) Lolita, but luckily consented to this one. She seems to be having fun with the part, stretching herself as an actress, as the frankly nasty and rebellious teen (with, of course, a battered heart).

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