Sunday 17 January 2021

Daisy Miller (1974 Peter Bogdanovich)

Absolutely agree with everything here. Cybill is particularly good, but all the cast excels.

Love the shot near the end through the lace of the hotel door - it's almost funereal. And that last look of the boy, James McMurtry - it's almost like saying 'It's all your fault' - which it is, sort of. She played her game independent of society's rules, and lost. (The response from the Eileen Brennan character is particularly horrible.)

Lots of witty and amusing details, like the guide at the Chateau de Chillon having nothing to do, the terrible string quartet in Rome, and 'Pop goes the waizel'.

Great scenes in Pincio Promenade and gardens (Villa Borghese), and at the Colosseum.

George Morfogen gives a performance of some gravitas. With Mildred Natwick, Cloris Leachman*, Barry Brown, Duilio del Prete.

One of those films I love more each time I see it. Written by Frederic Raphael. (Or not. I subsequently read a 1997 interview by John Gallagher. Peter says "The movie is exactly the book. I added one sequence that I wrote that Freddy Raphael had nothing to do with. In fact Freddy Raphael had nothing to do with that script, it was so funny. There's two things he wrote. One idea was the little miniature painter and the other thing was to have that scene play in the baths. Everything else was the book and I couldn't use his script 'cause it was really way over the top.")

* A timely viewing - Cloris died nine days later, aged 94.

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