Sunday 1 September 2024

Nora Prentiss (1947 Vincent Sherman)

Married with children doctor Kent Smith has affair with singer Ann Sheridan in San Franciso. He fakes his own death so they can flee to New York but the nightmare is only beginning. The fact she stays with him after he's committed criminal acts, lied to her, hit her and become a degenerate, paranoid slob is beyond belief. Paul Webster and Jack Sobell came up with the idea which N. Richard Nash wrote. The ending is a nice twist, though the court case just extends things too long and is redundant.

Interrupted every five minutes by Q with "You fucking bastard!"

Shot with his customary disregard for lighting by Jimmy Wong Howe. Franz Waxman wrote the music, orchestrated by Leonid Raab. Owen Marks cut it.

Robert Alda is great as always as the nightclub owner. With Bruce Bennett (Mildred Pierce. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, Dark Passage), Rosemary DeCamp, John Ridgely, Wanda Hendrix.

The opening - Sheridan being run over, taken to doctor's office - is funny:

"Do you have a cigarette?"
"Of course - I'm a doctor."
"I feel a bit woozy - do you have anything to drink?"
"Of course - I'm a doctor."

James Leicester is responsible for the montages again.

Our WB Archive Collection is rather fuzzy.

Perc Westmore's been at him

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