Thursday 5 September 2024

Wife, Doctor and Nurse (1937 Walter Lang)

Loretta Young marries doctor Warner Baxter, but he's closer than he thinks to nurse 'Steve', Virginia Bruce. And that's it, essentially. They both try to leave him but can't and so they must carry on as a threesome... which is quite a risqué outcome for the heavily censored times; but if you think about it, it's the nurse who loses out, having to be around him all the time but not being allowed to love him. Written by Kathryn Scola, Lamar Trotti and Darrell Ware.

Great, efficient doctor-nurse relationship depicted. But - Baxter and Young have separate bedrooms???

There are some 'comedy' moments, and we have the treat of seeing a very young Elisha Cook Jr. With Jane Darwell, Sidney Blackmer, Minna Gombell.

Photographed by Edward Cronjager. Fox.

Singing twins somehow funnier than the 'comedy'

Is that Pal we see briefly early on? No - he wasn't born until 1940.

We were lucky to have a copy, from VHS, broadcast on the BBC, as it's no longer available.


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