Saturday 7 September 2024

The Help (2011 Tate Taylor & scr)

Said much about it before. Forgot Thomas Newman wrote the music, and on realising, told Q we should watch it again immediately.  Also I suddenly realised that although it was our sixth viewing, I had never noticed / studied the editing, which is by Hughes Winborne. As I finally took it in, towards the end, I realised that it's performance-led, quite rightly (though whose performance is another juggling act), holding on to who's ... Yeah this is an unfinishable thought, because everyone in it is so good.

Taylor hasn't made anything as good since.

Loved that the Spencer-Chastain relationship isn't about bringing up a child, but it's still helping to guide an adult, and when her husband gets home and reveals to Spencer he's known all along - and their's is the only non-judgmental relationship - "You've got a job for life.. if you want it..."

The quotation of Mississippi law in the early 1960s shows just how recent racial reform in (parts of) North America has been - that even back then it was illegal to suggest the races were equal or to promote racial equality...

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