Friday 14 July 2023

Tight Spot (1955 Phil Karlson)

Ginger Rogers is badly miscast as a convict who is taken to a New York hotel to be a witness in a trial against crime boss. 

N: I'm not sure Ginger is right for this.
Q: No.
N: I wonder if someone like Judy Holliday should have played it.
Q: Yeah, I'd like to have seen Judy Holliday play her.
N: Maybe not even her. I'm not sure.
Q: Maybe they shouldn't have made it at all.

It was apparently a flop play (by Lenard Kantor) in the first place. Don't think I've seen Ginger so bad, as she jousts with cop Brian Keith while in danger from crooks. Edward G is on hand as the voice of reason.

Photographed by Burnett Guffey, quite high contrast for him. Music by George Duning. Columbia.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nick, I wrote about this one recently, as TCM shows it A LOT! Yes, not only is Ginger a dozen years too old, Rogers needed to turn it down a couple of acting notches! Judy H., Gloria Grahame, Jan Sterling, Jane Russell, etc. etc. would have been better cast! Here's my two cents:
